En quelques points...

Les 10 fruits les moins riches en sucre

Do you like fruit? So it is important to know the level of sugar present in those you eat, and in what proportions! Here are, among the fruits that are easily found on French stalls, those that contain the least sugar per recommended serving and therefore have the least impact on blood sugar, that is to say the sugar level. in the blood.


List of the 10 least sweet fruits

The lemon
As you might have guessed, the lemon is the least sweet fruit, with only 2 g of sugar per 100 g .  
Strawberry and raspberry 
These are the least sweet red fruits. For the recommended portion of 50 g, they contain 2 g of sugar (which makes 4 g of sugar per 100 g).
The plum
The plum contains 9 g of sugar per 100 g, but its portion is 30 g which corresponds to approximately 2.7 g of sugar.  
The gooseberry contains 6 g of sugar per 100 g, i.e. 3 g for its portion is 50 g  
The blackberry contains 9g of sugar per 100g, but its serving size is 50g, or 4.5g of sugar per serving .  
The apricot contains 9 g of sugar per 100 g, like the plum, but its usual serving size is 65 g which gives 5.85 g of sugar per serving .  
The mandarin
The tangerine also contains 9 g of sugar per 100 g, or 6.3 g of sugar for its 70 g portion .  
The kiwi
The kiwi contains 9 g of sugar per 100, but its serving size is about 75 g which gives 6.75 g of sugar per serving .  
The watermelon
Watermelon contains 7 g of sugar per 100 g, which corresponds to its portion.
The melon
The melon contains about 6 g of sugar per 100 g, but its portion is about 120 g which gives about 7.2 g of sugar per serving.  

Autumn and Winter fruits containing the least sugar

  • Lemon:  2g/100g
  • Grapefruit:  6g/100g
  • Orange:  8g/100g
  • Tangerine & Kiwi:  9 g / 100 g
  • Pear:  10g/100g
  • Apple, quince, black grape:  11 g/100 g
  • White grape:  16 g/100 g

Spring and summer fruits with the least sugar

  • Rhubarb, strawberry & raspberry:  4 g/100 g
  • Gooseberry & melon:  6 g/100 g
  • Nectarine & watermelon:  7 g/100 g
  • Apricot, plum & blackberry  : 9 g/100 g
  • Blackcurrant, peach & pear:  10 g/100 g
  • Blueberry, prune, apple:  11 g/100 g
  • Fig: 13g  /100g
  • Cherry:  14g/100g

The exotic fruits containing the least sugar

You can also find other, more exotic, low-sweet fruits on the market stalls:
  • The carambola  which contains 4 g of sugar per 100 g,
  • Guava  which contains 6 g per 100 g,
  • The cranberry or fresh cranberry  which contains 7 g of sugar per 100 g.


Red fruits containing the least sugar

  • Strawberry:  4g/100g
  • Raspberry:  4g/100g
  • Gooseberry:  6g/100g
  • Blackberry:  9 g/100 g

Source : Lanutrition.fr – By Marie-Charlotte Rivet Bonjean – Dietitian-nutritionist 
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Quels sont les fruits les moins riches en sucre ?

Parmi les fruits les moins riches en sucre, on trouve le citron avec seulement 2 g de sucre pour 100 g, la fraise et la framboise avec 4 g de sucre pour 100 g, la prune avec 9 g de sucre pour 100 g, le cassis avec 6 g de sucre pour 100 g, la mûre avec 9 g de sucre pour 100 g, l’abricot avec 9 g de sucre pour 100 g, la mandarine avec 9 g de sucre pour 100 g, le kiwi avec 9 g de sucre pour 100 g, la pastèque avec 7 g de sucre pour 100 g, et le melon avec environ 6 g de sucre pour 100 g.

Les fruits d’automne et d’hiver contenant le moins de sucre sont le citron (2g/100g), le pamplemousse (6g/100g), l’orange (8g/100g), la mandarine et le kiwi (9g/100g), la poire (10g/100g), la pomme, le coing, le raisin noir (11g/100g), et le raisin blanc (16g/100g).

Les fruits de printemps et d’été les moins sucrés incluent la rhubarbe, la fraise et la framboise (4g/100g), le groseille et le melon (6g/100g), la nectarine et la pastèque (7g/100g), l’abricot, la prune et la mûre (9g/100g), le cassis, la pêche et la poire (10g/100g), la myrtille, la prune, la pomme (11g/100g), la figue (13g/100g) et la cerise (14g/100g).

Parmi les fruits exotiques les moins sucrés, on trouve la carambole avec 4 g de sucre pour 100 g, la goyave avec 6 g pour 100 g, et la canneberge ou cranberry fraîche avec 7 g de sucre pour 100 g.

Les fruits rouges contenant le moins de sucre sont la fraise (4g/100g), la framboise (4g/100g), la groseille (6g/100g) et la mûre (9g/100g).

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